Monday, July 14, 2014

It's Electric! (sort of...)

I'm always searching for motivation to keep running and I thought the Electric Run would be a good idea. Turns out it wasn't a far enough distance to motivate me to train at all and I knew it wouldn't be timed so...I was just hoping for a fun time. And it was! Except for when it wasn't. I signed up for it with a friend and the night of the race we put on some neon-colored clothes and glow accessories and got in the car to drive 10 minutes to the starting line. Unfortunately the drive actually ended up taking an hour! There had also been an extreme amount of rain earlier in the day and the day before so the course was super muddy, but not in a "let's get dirty and have some fun" kind of way...more like the "my shoe almost got stuck in the mud" kind of way. It was fun to run at night and hang out with my friend though so let's count it as a success (and remember not to sign up for it again)!

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