Thursday, April 28, 2011


Owen went for the binoculars in his basket before the chocolate! I was very surprised.

I told Pat I was putting this picture on the blog. He might have thought I was joking.
Owen and Grandpa discussing the results of the Easter egg hunt!


Apparently Pat and Paige take some very cute pictures together.

More cute.

All four of us.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


We also got to celebrate Lisa and Alex's birthdays over the weekend! I made a cake! It was bad! Everyone pretended it was fine though. I love you, family!
No looking!

Swaying to the singing of the best "Happy Birthday" ever.

Paige enjoyed getting some sun on her wagon ride.

Owen enjoyed getting super muddy while playing soccer.

Monday, April 25, 2011


We had a busy weekend that started with visiting the farmparks with Pat's mom and sister!

Owen and Nanny

I don't have a good caption. They're just cute.

Owen got to ride a horse! He was very excited.

We got Paige to look at the camera! The sheep? Nope.

Aunt Lauren and Nanny

Lamb standing on its mother. Yep. Figures.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Corn Cakes

Paige is a crazy eater but she'll eat anything in bread or pancake form (me too!) so I made these corn cakes and put pureed broccoli in them instead of the herbs. She loved them! Bonus - Owen wanted them simply because I had intended them for Paige and also devoured them.

Bonus picture that has nothing to do with this post. Sippy cups!

Friday, April 15, 2011

More Experimenting

I often complain to Pat (no, really) that he was in all the fun classes in high school and college while I got all the boring teachers. So after doing a few experiments with Owen I can't help but wonder why my teachers couldn't have done a little more hands-on stuff with us. Colloids! So interesting! Well, that's what we made here. Pat and I actually had more fun playing with this stuff than Owen because he didn't want to get his hands dirty (I know, what?! He doesn't mind getting food coloring everywhere but if you give him permission to get messy...not the same!). You just mix some cornstarch with water and it makes this goopy solidy liquidy gunk that is super fun to play with. Do it.

Mixing up the goo...


Thursday, April 14, 2011


We took a few of the white flowers from Paige's birthday and stuck them in lots of food coloring to see what would happen! Shocking results! The flowers started changing colors! Actually it was a bit anticlimactic since it took so many hours to work...the blue worked the best so that's what I'm showing you. I'm starting to think all really good experiments involve food coloring.

Owen was giggling!

See? Blue!

Monday, April 11, 2011


The weather was finally nice so we spent as much time as we could outside over the weekend (like everyone else I'm sure). Paige was nice enough to pose for me while Pat and Owen played some lacrosse.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Party People!

Here are some of the people that came to Paige's party. We took so many pictures and I couldn't put them all up so here is a small sampling!
Owen and Stella were trying to hide from Pat but he finally caught up with them!

Ruby was quizzing Niko on which part of her outfit he liked:)

3 out of 4 of the Dippong family!

Opening presents!

Lisa tried to hide...

The birthday girls!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Party Stuff

Food and decorations! The party had a loose theme of pink and white polka dots but I don't think it was very obvious.

12 Months of Paige

Party favors for the adults

The food! (some things weren't out when I took this picture)

Monday, April 4, 2011

Cake? Yum!

Paige got her first taste of cake at the party and she loved it (why wouldn't she?)! Her expressions might imply otherwise but I promise you that she was very serious about eating that cake. We got about 100 pictures from the party so I'll probably be posting some random shots over the week!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Happy Birthday Paige!











