Monday, October 31, 2011

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Preschool Party!

Owen doesn't have preschool on Monday so he got to celebrate the holiday last week! Parents were invited to come and the kids sang us a couple songs, then they were treated to snacks! I'm already feeling sad about Owen going to Kindergarten next year and seeing what he does at preschool reminds me that he has a little piece of his life that I don't really know that much about (since he won't tell me!). That makes these glimpses extra special and it was really cute to see how he interacts with his friends.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Pear Pancakes

I put these on my other blog but I wanted to share them again mostly so you don't think we only eat oatmeal for breakfast! Sometimes we even have cereal! Shocking! These are different though, I originally saw the idea for this on The Chew using slices of apple but I used pear slices with much success. Here's the deal - make some pancake batter, slice some pears, dip them in batter and put them on a griddle, cooking them just like you would a pancake. So good! We had a small amount of leftovers but the kids liked them so much they requested to finish them off a couple of hours after breakfast.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


We went to another Halloween event over the weekend! I don't have any action shots but we did ride a train, make a craft, and the kids were in a costume parade! Paige was a little confused when it came to that last part but she was all about eating doughnuts. We've kept her away from candy so far but I'm not sure we're going to be able to say no on Halloween, she's going to have to really lay on the charm though...

Thursday, October 20, 2011

The Pie!

We made our pies when we got back from Patterson's and they were delicious! Maybe the best ever! But we say that every year...
Before pie...

After pie...
The pie...
There were other things happening too. It was mostly pie though.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


We headed out on our annual Patterson's trip over the weekend, despite the bad weather, and managed to get everything we needed without getting too muddy/wet/gross. Luckily the stuff we really needed was inside! We always get an apple fritter to enjoy on the car ride home and Pat and I realized one doesn't go as far as it used to since we now share with Owen and Paige. I doled out pieces and Owen finished his quickly so he could ask for more. Paige jammed her piece between her leg and carseat and shouted, "MORE!" too! I guess she was worried it would all be gone by the time she finished her first piece!

There's a creepy Johnny Appleseed mannequin behind them.
See that face? Paige gets serious about apple fritters.

Friday, October 14, 2011


Paige is getting so big and looks so grown up in this picture! She's at the point now where she surprises me every day by saying a word I didn't think she knew or impressing me with another new skill that must have developed in her sleep. It's mostly fun but sometimes I see a picture like this and I remember how fast it all goes!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

It's Oatmeal Season!

There's been a lot of oatmeal eating happening around here and I can't even remember the last time I put oatmeal on the blog. You've been missing it, right? I used the recipe for Apricot Slow Cooker Oatmeal and adapted it to make Pumpkin Cranberry Oatmeal. It's really good! It's hard to go wrong with pumpkin though.

Monday, October 10, 2011

A Walk

I'm trying to make the most of the nice weather we've been having by playing outside as much as possible. Luckily, it's not very hard to convince the kids!  

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Apple Farm! (Part 2)!

You've been waiting to patiently for Part 2! Here it is! The weekend had a superhero theme so the kids were allowed to make capes (and masks). They didn't have any mini capes for a Paige-sized person but Owen was able to enjoy his! Before we left we picked up some apples, cider and a delicious apple fritter (next time, get two...or more...).  

Super Owen!

Lost in the corn maze!

Playing in corn kernels...