Tuesday, September 29, 2009


We're in the middle of some rainy days here but this picture makes me feel a little better about it. It reminds me that rain in the fall just makes all the colors brighter. Now I just need to go get myself and Owen some cheery rain boots and head outside instead of hiding on the couch.

(picture from October 2008)

Monday, September 28, 2009


Remember this post from back in July? Well this is the first tomato that we got off the plant and I'm pretty sure it's the only one we're getting. We are just not good with plants here. I'm sure we'll try again next year anyway. This tomato ended up in a grilled cheese sandwich.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Monsters Hockey Game!

The Lake Erie Monsters had a free preseason game last night so we decided to give it a try and see how Owen liked hockey. He was much more interested in the mascot (A bird. Why not a monster?) and the zamboni but I'm still glad we went! We left early but found out today that they ended up winning with a goal in the last 4 seconds.

Friday, September 25, 2009

The Incredible Growing Owen

I wish I had more consistently taken pictures of Owen in the same spot so that we could more obviously have a measure of fast he grows. These are a few that give a good measure but not at an even interval of time.

March 2007

December 2007

September 2009

Thursday, September 24, 2009

At the Zoooooo

It's been a long time since I posted but I promise I have good reasons! We finally painted the den (ok, Pat did it by himself while Owen and I left to escape the fumes) and I swear I can still smell the fumes so I've been avoiding this room. These pictures are actually from a week or two ago because I haven't been taking many new pictures. Owen, on the other hand, has been taking a ton.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Just a Walk

Deer sighting

Walking along

Monday, September 14, 2009


Eating banana bread and wearing matching Brown's shirts

Ready to leave for a walk. I think Owen is getting a little too big for his car...

Communing with nature (he was watching that bird/heron?/crane? in the background)

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Race for the Cure!

Pat ran a 5k this morning and did ridiculously well for having only ran once...a month ago...The clock said 28 minutes but that didn't account for the time it took him to walk to the starting line since it was so crowded. He probably got under 27 minutes. I know. I could train for two years and still not beat that time. Regardless, it was for a great cause and we had a great time watching him!

Pat ran with people from Deloitte

Pat is in a green shirt and waving to the camera. Try to find him! You can't even see the starting line in this picture, it was down the street and around the corner.

Owen got his face painted in the morning and we enjoyed some (free!) Mitchell's ice cream (caramel! delicious!) while we waited for Pat.

Not really sure what is happening in this picture...
This isn't a very good picture but this guy is totally pink!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Kiddie Park!

We went with some friends to Memphis Kiddie Park yesterday. It's a tiny amusement park (I'm sure the place seemed huge to Owen) where all the rides are kid-sized. Owen loved it and I have pictures of every ride he went on, but here are just a few.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

I Made Something!

I decided to try to make a copy of a shirt I already own and this is the result! It's only the second shirt I've ever made (here's the first one) and is only sort of wearable and also only sort of comfortable so I'm not sure if it will ever appear in public but I still think it was a good attempt.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


We went to Oktoberfest with Pat's parents on Sunday. Really the only reason I wanted to go was so I could have some strudel. I don't have any pictures of it or of the weiner dog races but here are some other things we saw.

Owen watched these model trains for a very long time.

Riding in a horse drawn wagon

We listened to some music. Notice the beer by the flute player?

Amazing sand sculpture, not finished yet

Monday, September 7, 2009

Hooray! New Shoes!

Goodbye summer shoes! I don't think this picture really gets across how bad these shoes looked. At some point I noticed that when I would take off Owen's shoes he would sort of uncurl his toes and stretch them out like they had been jammed in there the whole time. So we finally got around to getting him some new ones, apparently we're super picky about what our 2 year olds shoes should look like. This is all the more impressive because Owen actually gets very attached to his shoes and doesn't like to get new ones but we didn't have to much of a problem.


New (and blindingly bright!)

And for fun...me and Pat. I'm so excited that we get to be in pictures together again!

Sunday, September 6, 2009


We went to Lisa and Alex's for dinner last night for some great food (seriously good, I need to get some lessons from them) and Owen got to try out the Wii. Here is his fantastic golf swing. He forgot to hold down the button in the video I got but he caught on really quickly.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Owen the Photographer

We let Owen loose with the camera and when I went to put the pictures on the computer I found out he had taken 45! It's fun to see what he deems worthy of shooting. Here are a few of my favorites.

Pat pumped up for Ohio State!

Assortment of cars. It may look random but these were actually very carefully arranged.

One of Owen's favorite trucks.

Friday, September 4, 2009

One Year Ago...

It's been awhile since I've posted. We've been busy around here but I've been a bit lazy about taking pictures so here's an old one. It's from September 2008 and it makes me miss Owen's cute baby hair before we got it cut. Look how long it was! Ah! Maybe I'll let it grow for the winter and see if it looks like this!