Sunday, February 27, 2011

Tooth Outtakes

It took me a long time to get a picture of Paige where you could actually see her tooth! Here are some of the outtakes.

Baby profile shots are the cutest. Cheeks!

That's not a tooth back there. That's a puff.

Trying to grab the camera.

Paige likes to shout. It's very cute. And it's very loud:)

Saturday, February 26, 2011

A Tooth!

It took about 10 1/2 months but Paige finally decided to grow a tooth!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

President's Day

I think this was another "Chinese New Year" in that I totally failed to explain the significance of the day but we had fun anyway! I showed Owen that some Presidents are on our money and then we made some of our own. We also made a super realistic-looking Abraham Lincoln out of a toilet paper roll.

I needed a sideshot of Owen for our money and this is what I got. Very presidential.

The final products! I asked Owen if he wanted me to write "The United States of America" across the top but he said he wanted me to write "I love you, Mommy, Daddy and Paige" instead and to put a heart on it.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Thursday, February 17, 2011


It was so nice yesterday we decided to play outside. We tried to shovel away some ice and then we went for a walk.
Paige was all decked out for the weather until I let her crawl through some mud...oops. Good thing I got this "before" picture.

Owen took his motorcycle along and had to navigate some pretty rough sidewalks.

Paige drove in the car for the first time!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Yummy Food!

I made these for Owen's preschool Valentine's Day party! They were really good and super easy to make (after I figured out I needed to spray the pan so they wouldn't stick...).

Mini bread loaves!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

My Valentine's

Just a couple pictures of Paige and Owen enjoying their Valentine's gifts!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

I try to do a mini photo shoot for Valentine's Day every year (although I forgot last year...I blame being pregnant!) and thought I would share some pictures from it. It was fun trying to coordinate Owen, Paige and some hearts all in the same area.
Click here to see the Valentine picture from 2009

I love this last shot because of Owen's reaction to Paige crawling away. He thought it was hysterical:)

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Friday, February 11, 2011

Granola Bars

This was supposed to be one of those recipes you can make with your kid (as in it should be super easy) so of course I messed it up by not reading the directions...luckily it didn't matter! They are actually really good and even easier to make then I thought since I messed them up! I can't find the recipe online but it was from Everyday Food!

Monday, February 7, 2011


We were trying to decide what to make for the Superbowl (not because I care but because it's a good excuse to eat fun food) and we decided to go with something cheesy to honor the Packers. We had successfully made homemade macaroni and cheese awhile back but lost the recipe and decided to try it again. It wasn't as fabulous as I was hoping but it was still pretty good. We put out a bunch of ingredients (spinach, tomato, red pepper, scallions, chicken and veggies, pepper) to mix in but I think I'm the only one that ate them .

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Chinese New Year!

Try explaining the concept of a "new year" to a 4 year old. Then try explaining how people in China have a different new year and it involves animals and...yep, we had a few awesome conversations today!
I found a craft to make paper lanterns that would let Owen use his newfound scissor skills and he did amazing. I know that's a strong word for cutting a bunch of lines but it's only been a couple of days! Note the look of concentration!

There they are! Next time I'm going to make the paper a different size because our lanterns seemed a bit tall!

We had chicken fried rice for dinner (I wanted to be really authentic so I got the recipe off of the Minute Rice box). We also had fortune cookies. Owen's fortune was "make someone happy with a good hug." I previously made fun of these cookies for not having actual fortunes but I won't anymore since I got a really big hug because of them! My fortune said "people laugh with you and enjoy your jokes." So we had a big laugh.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Bear Day!

Owen was going to bring his favorite bear to preschool on Tuesday but instead there was a snow day so we had bear day at home! I made Newton (click here to see Newton's very first appearance!) a bowtie for the occasion and we did lots of bear-centered activites. We ate Teddy Grahams, sang the Teddy Bear song, read books with bears in them and I found a bear worksheet online for Owen to do so now he knows a little more about them. It was fun to have the day centered around a theme and made it go faster since we were inside most of the day.
Owen also got his very own pair of scissors. It's a bit scary to watch. He's actually very good with them even though they look awkward in this picture...