Thursday, September 27, 2012

Dance Moves

Here is a video of Owen and Pat dancing at a recent event held at Owen's school. Now no one can say Pat doesn't know how to sashay.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Pooh and Paige

I sustained an injury that I didn't realize I had until the first time I went  running after my race. My knee has been giving me problems and every time I think it's better I find out I just made it worse! So last week I did something I rarely do with just Paige and turned on a movie for her so I could benefit from some time on the couch. She was very excited to watch Winnie the Pooh and gathered all of the characters for the big event. We made it partway through when she insisted that her kneee hurt too and definitely needed some star-shaped ice cubes to put on it. Don't worry, I think her injury healed right up. 

Thursday, September 20, 2012

The Deal

They would only let me take this picture...

...if I also let them take this picture...

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Cheesy Vegetable Chowder

It's September so that means it's soup season! We're still having warm days but I saw a picture of this Cheesy Vegetable Chowder and really wanted to try it. It's very very good and was a hit with everyone. Full disclosure-the kids took one look at it and didn't want to have anything to do with it but then they ate it all without cajoling so that means it looked scary to them but still tasted great :) Mine looked a little different than the picture in the link but I didn't use as much cheese as the recipe listed.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Go Tribe!

We donned our Indian's apparel and headed downtown to watch the Indians play yesterday. The most we were hoping for was some good food and a few innings of baseball before we would leave but we stayed for the whole game and had an awesome time! The weather was great, the Indians won in the ninth inning, we had lots of junk food and the kids had the opportunity to play in the kids area so everyone left feeling very happy.

Owen and Paige enjoyed riding these...
over and over and over...

Rally caps!

Rally caps worked! Yay Indians!

Friday, September 14, 2012

New Routine

We have less time for new activities now that our days are broken up by picking up/dropping off Owen at school, lunch and Paige's nap but a lot of things still feel new and different because I have more time to focus just on Paige.  I love those times that Paige and Owen play together and it comes so simply without arguing but it's also fun to see what Paige comes up with when she's the only kid in the house. Lately it means a lot of puzzles, listening to "That's What Makes You Beautiful," and playing with her babies but sometimes it means loudly babbling nonsense and running at me so I'll catch her or trying on one-eyed glasses.

The same baby always gets a seat in the stroller, the other ones get lovingly zipped into a backpack...

Paige desperately wanted this hat but she settled for a picture
She posed like this and told me to take a picture when we were walking back home after dropping off Owen at school

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Half Marathon #3

I got to run my third half marathon over the weekend and each one is as exciting as the last. I spend weeks training and getting ready for these so even though I know I'm not going to win and there shouldn't be any pressure, I still want to do as well as I can! My goal was to make it in under two hours and I did it with six seconds to spare! I don't have a lot of pictures of me running (yes, it's because I'm too fast for the camera to capture me) but my Dad caught me right at the finish line floating through.

Friday, September 7, 2012

2 Years Ago!

September 2010

Wednesday, September 5, 2012


That's right. With a "z."

Tuesday, September 4, 2012


We haven't been to Oktoberfest in a couple years but we had some friends running  in the 5k (I failed to get any pictures of them but good job everyone!) this year  so we thought it would be a good time to go. We learned from past visits that we get more excited about desserts at these things than actual food so we headed straight for the strudel this year. It never disappoints. Unfortunately the strudel is actually Austrian...

Purchasing the strudel...

Eating the strudel...

Owen checking on the model trains. (You can see him doing the same thing at Oktoberfest 2009)

Watching the weiner dog races!