Saturday, June 30, 2012

Father's Day

I had to do some quick thinking when I realized we wouldn't be at home for Father's Day...I mean...I was super prepared and ready to give Pat the best Father's Day ever even though we were out of town. Owen made a wonderful picture and answered some questions about Pat that we brought with us and presented to him in the morning. The rest of the day was spent playing mini-golf, eating good food and swimming!

Friday, June 29, 2012

Car Activities

There were a few rough moments during our car ride to and from Florida but overall I think the kids did a great job. Pat...not so much...(just kidding). We made attempts at the alphabet game and the license plate game and Pat and I played a few rounds of Word War. We also played a new game I read about on the internet, a sort of hide and seek where you pick a place to hide in your house (in your mind of course, don't stay home just to play this...) and then people ask questions to figure out where you are. Here are some other ways we entertained ourselves-


Games on the phone and also movies (not pictured)

Looking awesome

Actually driving (Pat did most of this but I did take a turn!)

Hanging out with new friends (and taking advantage of extra paco time)

Pipe cleaner words (that I can't figure out how to rotate...)

Pipe cleaner art

More sleeping

Piling everything you can reach on the person sitting next to you

Funny hats!


Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Lost Tooth!

I pretty much announced this to everyone already but I have to start the posts somewhere and this happened after we stopped driving the first day. Owen's tooth fell out at a Chick-fil-a in one of the Carolinas where we were staying for the night! He was pretty nonchalant about the whole thing but I know he was glad it finally came out. He put the tooth under his pillow at the hotel and when he woke up he found that the tooth fairy had left some coins in place of his tooth!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012


We're back from a week in Florida! I'm still working on organizing photos but you can bet there will be a whole lot of vacation posts coming up soon. Until then I'll leave you with this picture of Owen and Paige that has absolutely nothing to do with our trip!

Monday, June 18, 2012


We hit a lot of playgrounds throughout the week and at random times but the kids often request this one because we can ride our bikes there. I like days like this one where they just take off running and play until they're filthy and exhausted (of course...then we still have to bike home...).

Friday, June 15, 2012


Jamie was in town for the big birthday celebration and one of our outings was a trip to the zoo. We managed to get to some sections we don't normally visit which I think made up for not riding on the train or the tram (much to Owen's dismay).

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Work Picnic

We missed Pat's work picnic last year (click here for a post from 2010) so we were pretty excited to be able to make it this time. They do a great job providing tons of things to do and Paige was actually old enough to enjoy it. They had an Olympics theme this year and Pat's team, Germany, won!

Paige's favorite food was corn on the cob, she carried it around as long as we would let her.

I think Owen actually remembered these swings from a couple years ago.

Paige enjoyed them for the first time.

A lovely balloon flower. Pieces of it kept popping randomly and scaring whoever we were standing next to...

Team Germany!

Pat completing his portion of the obstacle course relay.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Dad's Birthday Celebration!

 We had a very small celebration for my Dad a few weeks ago because we were waiting to really celebrate last weekend! It was such a fun time and, just like with my Mom's party, everyone contributed to make it a wonderful day. I think the Indian's lost but it didn't really dampen the mood at all...Happy Birthday Dad!
One of the signs we made
I think Paige's favorite part of the game was getting to close to the railing and scaring Pat :)

Owen worked really hard on this sign!

Uncle Bill and Dad

Jamie, Dad, Lisa and Paige


Aunt Marlene and Mom

Jamie and Owen

Favor bags

Friday, June 8, 2012

Soccer-Out, T-Ball-In

Owen had his last soccer game (until the next season that is...) last week and his first T-ball game a couple days ago! I don't think he's quite as passionate about his new sport but he definitely gives it his all. We just need to get him to stop passing the other runners when they're running the bases... 
I couldn't get him to pose while kneeling...(like he did here)

Owen likes to wear his hats so that he can just barely see...

Action shot!