Thursday, December 28, 2017

Christmas Eve!

We had a really low-key Christmas Eve this year! We stayed home and hung out during the day and completely forgot about planning something special for dinner so we just made macaroni and cheese and broccoli. Then we got all dressed up and went to church at 6pm, followed by some hot chocolate and a trip to see Christmas lights in the car! We actually cut our trip short because Paige needed to use the bathroom but we were all tired and agreed it was a good time to go home anyway. Paige got cookies, milk, and carrots ready and then everyone went to bed without a problem! 

Wednesday, December 27, 2017


Owen had a couple friends sleepover last week which isn't especially noteworthy, but I like the progression of these pictures. I didn't get any from the night but it was a lot of video gaming.  The next morning they got up early, around 6, and had breakfast. I seriously overestimated how many pancakes they could eat! Then they went and played dodgeball for four hours and Owen fell asleep around 6pm and stayed asleep for the night!


Almost time for dodgeball


Tuesday, December 26, 2017


We got a tip from some friends that there were baby otters at the zoo so we headed up one morning last week hoping to catch a glimpse of them playing! Unfortunately, they were sleeping in a big otter pile when we finally got to them but we did get to hang out with a baby orangutan! That pretty much made up for it!

Owen was not impressed but did say he would like a baby monkey.

My favorite plant

Spiral staircase is always a big hit!

Hello baby orangutan!

Rainforest Christmas tree!
I accidentally parked here but then realized our van IS fuel efficient and I could stay!

Sunday, December 24, 2017

Hot Chocolate For Sale!

There was no stopping these two from trying to sell two cups of hot chocolate the other day! Until they sat outside for 10 minutes with zero customers:) I love that they tried though, and did it all themselves!

Saturday, December 23, 2017

Birthday/Baking Day

Christmas Baking Day/Mom's Birthday! Yay! We might need to separate these two occasions next year because we don't really have time to enjoy the baking process when there is so much going on! Maybe it's better that way though, I love the chaos when everyone is together! 
This year we decided to make snowball cookies. I wouldn't say it turned out to be anyone's favorites but they were tasty and easy to make!

Rolling the snowballs

Happy birthday Mom!


The granddaughters were especially eager to try some cake!

Aunt Marlene!

Someone stole my camera...

Owen took a break from the action.

Until they found a fun game to play with the blanket!

Half-eaten snowball cookie!

Friday, December 22, 2017

Nutcracker Guests

A lot of people came out to support Paige in the Nutcracker! I didn't get pictures of everybody but here are a few!

Grandma and Grandpa

Aunt Marlene and Uncle Bill
Nanny and Grandpa

Aunt Jamie

Dad, Mom and Owen

Paige and Ms. Rachel. Ms. Rachel is actually the director/coordinator of the Nutcracker and was one of Paige's teachers a couple years ago!

Thursday, December 21, 2017


Paige performed in the Nutcracker for the first time this year! She's had the opportunity to participate in the past but had always chosen not to so I was really excited for her when she decided to try out! She loves being a part of these big productions and it's great because she gets to hang out with kids that aren't in her training group and they have more time to socialize at practices then they do during regular dance days. Paige had the part of an angel and a bonbon and she danced beautifully in all three shows throughout the weekend!

My favorite picture!

Practicing at the dress rehearsal on Thursday (4 hours long!)

Perfect angels;)

Opening night!

Friday night show finished!

Ready to perform again on Saturday!

These 5 can usually be found together:)

Paige's two parts were in the second act so there was some downtime

They gave all the dancers tiny nutcracker ornaments!

These 3 are adorable together!

Olive Garden between the two Saturday shows!

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Snow Day!

First snow day of the year! Maybe the only snow day of the year...? Owen had heard that if he went to bed with his pajamas on inside-out that there would be a snow day the next day and it worked! He woke up and asked immediately and was soooo excited when he found out! Paige slept in and wandered out of her bedroom very confused a couple hours later. She perked right up when she found out she was staying home though! We played a lot of Jenga and then Owen went to a friends house while Paige and I went to the mall to find boots for both of the kids. They were pretty picked over but we found some she liked and we headed home to play in the snow!

Saturday, December 9, 2017

Dance Convention!

Paige attended her first dance convention over the weekend! It was a new experience for both of us and we had a fantastic time! They divide all the attendees by age so Paige was in the "mini" room for 5-8 year olds. She took a bunch of classes on Saturday and Sunday (jazz/funk, hip hop, lyrical, ballet, etc.) and it was interesting to see how Paige adapted to working with teachers she didn't know or what she did when confronted with improv, which happened a lot! The kids then got to perform on stage on Sunday. She was exhausted by the end but never complained or asked for a break!
Waiting for their first class!

Dressed for hip hop

Outfit change for the next class!

Fun after Saturday's classes

Dinner at Panera

The hotel had hayrides through the property to look at Christmas lights!

Day 2

Lunch break!

Dressed for the performance-everyone was told to wear red and black

These three were together all weekend!

All of the minis from Paige's dance studio!