Thursday, December 29, 2011

Art Museum

I took Owen to the Art Museum last week for the first time! We met my sister Jamie and her boyfriend Nigel there to walk around for a bit and it was pretty amazing watching Owen experience something so new to him. Owen lasted longer than I thought he would and was well-behaved the entire time. I did have to step in a couple times when he got excited and forgot he couldn't get too close/touch the artwork but there were no mishaps/alarms/guards reprimanding us. I can't wait to take him again soon!

Owen and Aunt Jamie

Owen took this picture of me in front of a painting I liked.


This is one of my favorite pictures!  We were nearing the end of our visit at the museum and Owen was just so tired he had to lie down for a minute.


I let myself get behind on posting and now I'm all backed up! I'll be posting things randomly and out of order to try to catch up. I'm going to start with a post just about some of the treats we made this month.

Spiced Apple Cream Cheese Coffeecake (sidenote: this recipe calls for cardamom which is so expensive at the grocery store I almost skipped putting it in (even though it's one of the major flavors in the recipe) until we found it for a cheap price at World Market. Get it there!)
A slice of the coffeecake! This recipe was so good and even though it had three layers and lots of ingredients it wasn't actually that hard to make.

Meatball cookie-this is not a very good picture but I forgot to take a picture until we had only one left and my camera battery was so low I had to take it while the camera was plugged in to the wall.

Peanut Butter Cup cookies-not sure of the official name of these but these are super minimal effort for a super tasty result. I ran into my neighbor at the grocery store one day and she convinced me to make them. Just a pouch of peanut butter cookie mix and a bag of peanut butter cups.

Sugar cookies-we needed more cookies for Santa so we decided to make these with the kids. Next time we'll make them first and let the kids decorate them...Paige just munched on the dough and Owen spent the whole time trying to roll it out. We had fun though as you can see by the mess!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

And We Waited...

We've had to get our cars fixed a couple times recently and I think it is now one of Paige and Owen's favorite places to go because...
1. There is room to run
2. They have complimentary bagels from Panera on Mondays which is when we always go
3. They have a large television
I get to read bad magazines while they watch cartoons.  So if you're looking for some wintertime entertainment...there you go. You're welcome.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Figgy Pudding!

Every year, my mom and I make a "traditional" Christmas dessert that we've never made before. This year we tried figgy pudding. We used a "modern" recipe to avoid the weird/unavailable ingredients that were used a long time ago. I don't think anyone will say it's their favorite dessert ever but I was surprised I liked it as much as I did and it was even better the next day. In past years we've made a yule log, rugelach, sugarplums, fruitcake, a gingerbread house and rum balls.
Topped with whipped cream!

Out of the oven! (also cooled...)

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


I post our Christmas card outtakes every year so here they are! We took our traditional picture in front of the fireplace and tried in front of the Christmas tree but ultimately went with some photos we got done at a studio. Enjoy :) Also, here are outtakes from past years... 2010, 2009, 2008

The kids looking for Santa

In this picture, Owen was already getting up to get the camera because he wanted to see what the picture looked like

We had a lot of issues with Paige's bow because she kept taking it out between pictures and when we would try to put it back in really quickly it always looked crazy

This might have been the winner if the lighting had been better and that Reese's ornament wasn't so prominent...

Friday, December 9, 2011


At some point, every little kid figures out how fun it is to put on an adult's shoes and try to walk in them. It's cute. Every time! 

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Winter Parade!

One of my favorite things about our town is that there are so many community events. Most recently we went to a parade that was followed by fireworks and free rides on a carousel! The parade was great and even though the fireworks were a little too close for comfort (Paige was terrified by the noise and part of a firework flew into the crowd! Aaah!) the carousel ride made up for it. The last time I tried to take Paige on a carousel she wasn't too pleased but this time I had to pry her hands off while she was sadly shouting "horsieeeeee." 

Getting bundled up!

About to sit down for the parade

We ran into our neighbors there and got to hang out a bit before walking home

Fun on the carousel

Thursday, December 1, 2011


Just in case you wanted to hear the best sound in the world.