Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Owen's Birthday!

Owen's birthday was on a Tuesday this year so he didn't get to sleep in because of school and then he had a late soccer practice! We decorated the house in a 16/car theme since Owen will be getting his license this year! He started off the day with sprinkle pancakes and then for dinner we had lasagna and cheesecake! 
Readying the syrup

Table decorations


Mini Fridge!!

Cheesecake with sparkler candle!

Friday, January 27, 2023

Winter Dance!

Paige attended her first middle school dance last week! The theme was Winter Wonderland and the kids were encouraged to (but not required to) dress in blue, white or silver/gray. Most of the kids chose blue which made for some very cute group pictures! She had a blast and then slept over a friend's house after and came home very sleepy the next morning!


Snow Day!

We were supposed to get a crazy amount of snow the other day so school was cancelled out of caution and we ended up with rain and piles of slush! So the kids got the day off for no good reason but everybody was happy to sleep in and relax. Paige and I went shopping for a bit and then she had dance later in the day and Owen tried out skiing with some friends and loved it!

Sleepy cat

Sleepy Paige

Starbucks and Target

I almost bought this $10 coat

Owen skiing! (He's on the right)

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Monday, January 23, 2023


This is how Griffin tells us he wants to go on the porch. He sits here and stares at us. If we don't respond, he tries to open the door himself.

Pat and Paige made french toast sticks

Paige and Miley trying out two person yoga poses

Jamie's most recent art showing!

Playing sequence

Cool staircase featuring Owen and Paige

We had the honor of attending a special birthday party

Paige and Miley went ice skating


Sunday, January 22, 2023


Paige got the urge to go skiing and magically the weather was perfect and she and Pat were available! It had been eight years since the last and only time she had gone. Pat gave her some pointers and as far as I know she did great and Pat was so happy to have someone to ski with. They're already planning future trips but the snow has all melted since they went!


Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Date Night

For one of Pat's Christmas presents I made reservations at a restaurant downtown called the Marble Room. It books up fast so you have to make the reservations 2-3 months ahead and I actually made them so long ago that I almost forgot about it until I got an email! I told Pat about it maybe a week after Christmas once I remembered though:) We had a great time. The food was delicious, the arhcitecture was amazing to look at and as a special bonus, a bunch of Browns players were having some sort of special postseason dinner in a private part of the restaurant so Pat got to watch all of them walk right past our table!

The outside

Time to eat!

They offer to take everyones photo in this spot. 

They bring cotton candy for free if you want it!

Look at this chandelier!!


Tuesday, January 17, 2023


Paige had her second competition a couple weekends ago. It was an "in-house" competition and she got to perform her solo and duo, take convention classes and compete in improv. She did great and ended the weekend with Platinum scores for both dances, 7th overall for solo, 1st for duo, 3rd place for improv and a full scholarship for next year!!

Maya, Paige and Miley ready for solos

Paige and Miss Erika

Paige and Maya ready for duo

I watched Paige's improv on a screen in the lobby and got this picture


Paige and Maya ready to go home