Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Bagel and Tea

Yummy, but when did Lender's Bagels get so small? I'm more of a giant Panera/Bruegger's bagel type person.

Here's Owen working with his blocks.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008


I had sludge for breakfast this morning. Oops, I mean CoCo Wheats. There is no way any product should have such a catchy jingle when it tastes this bad. There is nothing redeeming about it. It didn't taste like cocoa and it wasn't a treat. I had to add strawberries to even make it edible. It also overflowed in the microwave.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Day 8

It's Day 8 of my 30 days of breakfasts! I still have a few good ones saved up (french toast, waffles, cereal...) but I'm getting lazy. This was a good one though! I did enjoy it. How can you not enjoy anything with peanut butter on it?

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Fruit and Yogurt Parfait!

I know I'm a dork for putting my breakfast in a wine glass but it was the only glass I had that was big enough to make layers! It was worth it, another good breakfast!

Here's Owen wishing he was having my breakfast. He was not pleased with his leftover pancakes. Don't worry, the banana we gave him made up for it.

P.S. Happy Birthday Alex (I know, I'm a day late)!

Saturday, April 26, 2008


I got Pat and Owen to join me in breakfast this morning since I was having something normal! This mini one was Owen's.

P.S. Owen says hi!

Friday, April 25, 2008

Breakfast Burrito

Bleh. Booooooring.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Swiss Muesli? Yes, please.

I found a recipe for Swiss Muesli when I was online looking for breakfast ideas the other day. I'm glad I made it because it was actually really good. Here's what you do for a single serving...
Soak 1/2 cup of rolled oats in 1/4 cup of fruit juice or milk (use the juice, it's way better) overnight. In the morning add 1/2 of a grated apple, some chopped nuts, and some yogurt. Eat. Add cinnamon because it's way better that way.
The recipe actually called for "honey yoghurt" and hazelnuts. Nobody really has hazelnuts in their cupboard, right? And what is honey yoghurt? And why did they spell it that way? I can only assume that this is an authentic Swiss recipe since it has a fancy spelling and there's no such thing as honey flavored yogurt here.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Lots of Randomness

Owen's new favorite thing to do right when we get outside is to run to the rocks lining our driveway and choose one (very carefully) to carry for the duration of our time outside. It's very cute. It's also annoying because he always picks one small enough to fit in his mouth and you can never be sure if he's going to try to chew on it or not. He always seems so proud of the rock though so we try not to take it from him right away.

This was the pizza we made last night! I thought it was great. Pat didn't. I can tell because he only ate two pieces and he said it had a "wine-y" taste and because he said it was "ok" and because he didn't want it in his lunch today. In case anyone is keeping track (no, I don't think anyone is) I did try a new recipe last week but I didn't put up a picture because it was gross and it just looked like broccoli. The muffins I made yesterday were my new recipe for this week and also this pizza sort of.

Egg Sandwich! I was excited to have this but unfortunately the white bread I was planning to use didn't work out and I had to use wheat. Egg sandwiches on wheat toast aren't the same, are they? I feel cheated.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Happy Earth Day!!!

2nd Breakfast: Apple -Cinnamon Muffin

Pat and Owen enjoying Earth

Monday, April 21, 2008

30 Breakfasts!

Today began my 30 days of different breakfasts! I'm going to have a different breakfast every day for the next 30 days. Why am I doing this? I'm not sure. I'm not even sure I can make it.
Here's what I'm guessing will happen...
1. I'll get bored with different egg variations.
2. I'm always super hungry in the morning and I'm going to get sick of having to wait for my food to be ready.
3. I'll get jealous of Pat's cereal.
Here's why this silly challenge is a good idea...
1. I'll be eating something other than cereal which is what I've mostly been eating for breakfast for the past 4 or so years (thanks to Pat and his love of cereal rubbing off on me!).
2. Owen will get to try new foods and branch out from his normal oatmeal and banana breakfast.

I had vanilla oatmeal. Yes, I know it doesn't look very appetizing but it was very good. I like my oatmeal very liquidy.

Friday, April 18, 2008

One More to Check Off!

I haven't decided yet if I'm going to continue our scavenger hunt from last year but I thought I would take the opportunity to get Owen on a slide while I had it. I thought he would sit there and cry when I walked away but he surprised me by sliding down! Yea!

Another trip to the park! Here is Owen holding on to the picnic table.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Owen Update!

Owen had his 15 month checkup yesterday! He didn't grow in height very significantly but he did gain 2 pounds. Owen can now remember what happens at the doctor's and starts screaming and squirming as soon as we walk into the exam room. He will not sit on the exam table and gets super angry about being weighed and measured. Holding a screaming, squirming toddler and trying to have a serious conversation about his development with the doctor is not an easy thing to do...Overall he's doing well and the doctor was impressed with his walking skills!

Owen munching on some dinosaur

Monday, April 14, 2008

Super Yummy Tasty Bread!

This bread was soooo good! And it looks impressive too! I even have backup on this one since Mom, Dad, Pat and Owen helped me eat it! You know what this means? I'm going to be making a lot of bread in the near future...

Thursday, April 10, 2008

At the Park!

It was so nice we went to the park over the weekend (along with everyone else it seems!)

If it looks like Owen isn't having fun on the swing it's because he isn't.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Sweet Potato Fries

I almost forgot that I was supposed to be trying one new recipe a week so I had to fit this one in on Saturday night! I halved the recipe and actually used yams instead of sweet potatoes but they were still really tasty. We will definitely make these again!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Like You Didn't Already Know...

He has the t-shirt. Now it's official that Owen is awesome.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Pat's Vacation

Pat is done with long hours at work! Yea! Over the weekend he got new cleats for his birthday and then promptly fell asleep still wearing them. Owen is in the lower left hand corner trying to figure out what's going on.