Friday, April 30, 2010

National Oatmeal Cookie Day!

Such a good holiday we had to celebrate!

Owen wanted me to take a picture of his cookie too.
Paige "smiling" in her sleep.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


We haven't been doing much around here because of the weather and I think we could all benefit from some time outside. Until that happens I'm going to try to just relax and think of how to entertain a rambunctious 3 year old who just wants to run or play with trains.

Paige relaxing on one of the quilts she got from her stay at the NICU.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Before and After

Owen's friend Ruby is turning 2 so she had a birthday party to celebrate! There was a lot of fun stuff to do at the party but these are my two favorite pictures of Owen.

Before eating his cupcake...

and after!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Earth Day Walk

We got out for a walk yesterday even though it was a bit chilly and ended up in the park.

There was a tire stuck on the waterfall...that is not very earthy.

Paige slept through everything.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

More Paige and Cheesecake

A rare moment! I actually caught Paige with her eyes open!
I love this picture. It makes me feel super sleepy.

Cinnamon Chip Cheesecake. You couldn't taste the cinnamon flavor as much as I had hoped but it still had a fantastic flavor.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Fun with Owen

Two fun Owen moments from yesterday...

Me: Paige, are you hungry!?
Owen: Mom, babies don't talk.
Owen: I want to tackle you!
Me: You want to tackle me?
Owen: Yes, your tummy is small now! I want to tackle you!
Clearly Owen is enjoying what he considers to be my less fragile state of not being pregnant.

Paige always looks all squishy in her car seat...

and don't worry. They've installed the pylons at the zoo to keep the smoke monster out.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Magic Blondies

Owen and I attended a singalong yesterday for the music class he attends every week and it gave me a chance to make a new dessert! I wanted to make something new that I had all the ingredients for and somehow came across these Magic Blondies. I think they came out really well and were a big hit at the singalong (althought that might have been because most people forgot to bring a treat...). I changed a few things around...I made them in a mini muffin pan instead of the standard size. I toasted my walnuts before mixing them in, and didn't add the cherries/cranberries. I also lightened up on the butter a bit. Yum!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Hello Hippo!

We wanted Owen to have a gift for Paige and decided since he loves his giraffe blanket so much he would probably love to give her a blanket of her own.

Paige and Hippo.


Owen the adoring brother...

Paige just hanging out.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Red Light, Green Light

Some of the soccer action from yesterday. In case it isn't clear in the video...the kids were supposed to dribble when the coach said green light and then stop and put their feet on the ball when he said red light.

Saturday, April 10, 2010


Owen had his first day of soccer today!! I wasn't able to go but I instructed Pat to take a lot of pictures and videos and then I got the report later. Apparently Owen did an amazing job and had a lot of fun.

#7!! Look at that great form!

We didn't tell Owen about the snack possibility but I think he was pretty excited to get one. I was watching out the window when their car pulled into the driveway and Owen held aloft his Capri-sun very triumphantly.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Paige is Home!

I took too many pictures to all post at once so here are just a few from before we got into the car to go home! Owen is super proud to be a big brother and is totally obsessed with Paige for the moment.

Owen's first really good look at his new sister...

Owen's reaction to seeing Paige!

Paige all bundled up for the car ride!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Visiting Paige

Sleepy Paige
Paige is hiding a bit from the camera here but check out the kung-fu grip on that bottle!
Owen isn't actually allowed in to see Paige (So sad! Although he was allowed to lean in the door today to give her a kiss! so exciting!) so he spends his time in this room. There are some fun toys and a large television that keep him occupied for a bit.

Monday, April 5, 2010


Paige Abigail Meyer
Born: April 2, 2010 (38 days early, just like Owen!)
Weighs: 5 lbs, 8 oz
Length: 18 inches