Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Paige Video

30 seconds of flailing arms. I'm still working on recording a smile:)

Monday, June 28, 2010

Date Day!

We went on a date yesterday for the first time since...November...amazing, I know. We're impressive like that.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Big Truck Day!

Big Truck Day is exactly what it sounds like so we always know it's going to be a big hit with Owen. Turns out that Pat was pretty excited about it too since a Coke delivery truck was there giving away free pop:) This one was much better than the one we went to last year. Street sweepers, cranes, a tow truck, three different kinds of police vehicles, and lots more! We were by the police car when the fire truck showed up and it was pretty funny to hear the policemen talk about how the firemen always steal their thunder when they show up with the fire truck. It was true, everyone gathered at the fire truck immediately upon its arrival!
Pictures from last year

Owen loved the ketchup hot dog guy and had no trouble giving him high fives and hanging out with him. He does have his limits though and would not visit with Slider!
Paige was there too and passed the time by munching on her arm:)

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Shiny and New

Owen does most things with the gusto you would expect from a 3 year old and so it was no surprise when the wheels on his tricycle split from being used so much...

We ordered some new ones and after a couple hours of effort we finally got them on! I can't wait to see how long the new ones are going to last!

Friday, June 25, 2010


I thought I should lead off this post with the more attractive photo:)

Another failed recipe from Deceptively Delicious...when will it end?!

Monday, June 21, 2010

The Weekend


Father's Day picture on the train!

Checking out the scenery on the train ride.


Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Going Casual

First day in jeans!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Cilantro-Lime Rice!

I actually made quite an effort at one point to find recipes for flavored rice so we could stop buying the boxed kind that has major amounts of sodium. I never found anything that could really measure up to the convenience/flavor of the boxed rice. Well, guess what!? This does! You just put these ingredients in a blender and add this to a cup of rice...
½ cup fresh cilantro, 2 tbsp. lime juice, 1 tbsp. olive oil, 1 clove chopped garlic
Original recipe here


We decided Owen needed some outside entertainment and bought him a very normal round pool. After we got home and made many attempts to inflate it we found out it had holes in it so we returned it and got the next step up which was this fancy giraffe pool. Do you see that crazed look in Owen's face? He loves this pool. Here's why...
1. It squirts water from its tail
2. You can tackle it

We stopped at the Italian-American festival over the weekend and got some dinner! Owen wore his Italia soccer outfit so he could blend in.
I love this picture because it looks like they are fighting over the pasta.

Group shot. Owen was ok with being in the picture but refused to look at the camera. Paige too!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Parade the Circle

We've been to a Parade the Circle event before but never stayed for the actual parade. The parade was really fun to watch but lasted a bit long. It was about an hour and a half and it got pretty warm, especially for Paige. Owen was totally focused on it the whole time, however, and loved every minute of it!

Waiting for the parade to start

Just one of the fun groups that were in the parade. A deconstructed sandwich!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Congratulations to Owen!

We took Owen out for ice cream to celebrate being potty trained! This picture was before we had even paid. He didn't waste any time getting it all over his face!

Friday, June 4, 2010


I finally had success with a Deceptively Delicious recipe! I was starting to get discouraged so I'm glad this banana bread came out so great. I really love my normal recipe so I was surprised to find out I liked this one so much. It has cauliflower puree in it and I didn't think it tasted like anything was hiding in it at all.

And because they're cute...

Thursday, June 3, 2010


I made these Aloha Chicken Kebabs from Deceptively Delicious and they would have been great if I had followed the directions. Unfortunately I didn't and most of the breading burnt and fell off. But what did manage to stay on was good:) They used a sweet potato and pineapple puree. Owen, however wanted all of his breading scraped off so...hiding veggies in his chicken breading was totally pointless...

We're normally pretty horrible at cooking steak and don't even bother trying but we actually had some success with these kebabs! I wrote down the recipe but can't remember where I found it on the internet. I think it used some combination of soy sauce, ginger, pineapple juice, pepper, and oil. Pat took this lovely picture and was also in charge of grilling them.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Memorial Day!

Getting ready for the parade!

Watching the parade! Owen picked out those loafers himself...
Owen in the driver's seat of a fire truck.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Keeping Cool

A couple pictures of Owen keeping cool at a friend's house from last week. I probably don't have to point it out but his sunglasses are upside down. And he's very serious about it.