Sunday, July 31, 2011

Science Center

Pat had a rare day off on Friday so we took the kids to the Science Center! Owen enjoyed it a lot and Paige was most happy playing in the car (see below). It was hard to get to everything and there was still a lot that they weren't old enough for but it will be fun to go back when they understand a bit more.

Paige took refuge from the chaos in this car and refused to get out for a long time!

Owen was up for trying everything!
I think the traffic light was his favorite part!


Paige saw something exciting!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

From the Garden

We picked the first tomatoes from our garden the other day! Yes, they were delicious.

Owen documented the event on his camera too!

Tomatoes - looking good!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Sun Day

We learned all about the sun last week (it's hot (like lava)! it has sunspots! everything revolves around it! etc!). There were crafts, books, and we turned ourselves into the sun (me!) and the earth (Owen!). It was exciting! You can tell by all the exclamation points I've used!

Making sunprints with construction paper!

Giant sun on our window! We needed it because it started to rain!

We made suns.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Not a Video.

Why isn't my video working? I don't know. Anyone? Here are some cute kids to tide you over.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Just a random moment of excitement in our day

Monday, July 18, 2011

World Cup!

Well, the US women did not win the World Cup but we did have a lot of fun watching the game. Paige and Pat joined us in the second half after they woke up from their naps:)

Thursday, July 14, 2011


This is what you get if you hold up a camera and tell Paige to "smile!"

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


I've been trying out some recipes from Double Delicious (the follow-up book to Deceptively Delicious) and having success! The idea behind the books is to hide vegetable purees in foods to make them healthier. I think this book does a better job of finding meals that are appealing to adults as well as kids and I have a lot of pages bookmarked to make! We'll see how many I get done before the library demands its copy back! 

Baked Ziti - carrot and cauliflower purees. I initially thought I should have cut the recipe in half when I saw how much I was making but everyone loved it so I'm glad I didn't!
Chicken Enchiladas - sweet potato puree. I would have preferred a bit more flavor/spice but it probably doesn't have it so the kids won't be scared off! 

Monday, July 11, 2011


I didn't think Paige could get the cereal out because the bag was closed. Guess what happened.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Holiday Weekend

 Pictures from our Fourth of July weekend...

Playing with giant chess pieces

Working hard at the beach

Waiting for the parade to start!

Red, white and blue breakfast


Monday, July 4, 2011


Owen's camera was so full it refused to take more pictures so I finally got around to getting them on the computer. It was interesting to see the (blurry) moments he had captured. He captured this whole scene of Pat and me comforting Paige after she bumped her head. I don't even remember this happening!