Friday, June 30, 2023

Nationals-Day 4 and 5

Day 4 was a pretty easy day, Paige only had one dance to perform-Bohemian Rhapsody. They ended up getting a crystal! She slept at Kalahari with Miley the night before but didn't get to swim much the morning of day 4 because she had dance practice for the finals. Tap, musical theater, and her large lyrical ended up making it into the finals! We slept at our friend's friend's lakehouse and then got up bright and early for the finals. None of their dances ended up winning but their dancing was excellent! 


Thursday, June 29, 2023

Nationals-Day 2 and 3

Day 2 was solo day and Paige's only dance the whole day! She did amazing and scored double platinum! The next day she performed all of her large group numbers and again scored double platinum for everything and we found out her musical theater dance made it into the finals for Friday! They also got a crystal for She Used to Be Mine and we found out later it would be in the finals!
Solo ready

Hugs with Ms Erika

Teen competitive soloists from ATB 

I don't know what's happening here...

Edge of Midnight


Even more exhausted!

After the last awards

Paige's training group had special shirts made for the occasion! 


Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Nationals-Day One!

Last year we travelled to Tennessee for Nationals but we stayed closer to home this year. We only had about an hour drive so we slept at home most nights. Our first day started very early because Paige had her duo at 8am! They danced beautifully and scored double platinum, first in their category and 10th overall among all teen duos/trios. So proud of them!! It was also "disco day" so the girls wore disco ball head boppers and oversized 70s style sunglasses. Later in the day, Paige performed all of her small group dances. They all scored double platinum but her best performing dance was her small group tap, Sing! Because Sing did so well it made it into the finals for the girls to perform Friday!
On our way!

Ready for duo! Or maybe this was after they had performed?

Ready for Disco Day

The girls and the other teen duos from their studio

Maya and Paige with Ms Amanda, their choreographer

Looking even more like aliens than usual

I'll Be There For You

Group awards

Paige and Maeve


Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Father’s Day!

Father's Day! We had a pretty low-key celebration this year. Pat started out the day with some Pops for breakfast and his "best pop" shirt. Then we woke up the kids (or maybe Paige was awake and we just woke up Owen?) and they gave Pat some really nice and heartfelt cards. Paige also gave Pat a joke book and a #1 dad mug! Owen gave Pat a "best dad ever" shirt! Then we spent time with family and had lunch and played cornhole before heading home!


Monday, June 26, 2023


Recital used to feel like a great wrap-up to the season but with Nationals still a week or two away it's not so much of an ending as a relaxing way to dance and have family come watch! Recital is also always a little chaotic so it's interesting to see how the kids react and adjust to stuff thrown their way. Paige's friend go hurt partway through and couldn't finish out the show so her team had to change some things in their dances really quick to accommodate the missing person and keep everyone safe for lifts etc. They did a great job and her friend is ok now! Paige was so excited that family could come and watch too! This was a big year for Paige too because she's celebrating her 10th year of dancing!! It's crazy that it's been that long, her 5 year celebration doesn't seem that long ago!
Backstage and ready for their training group's tap 

Owen came to support Paige!

Paige, Miley and Maeve (injured and not able to dance but came back to support her friends)

The whole crew

So glad Jamie got this picture for us!

Miley, Paige and Maya

10 year trophies for both!

Having fun after the recital



Sunday, June 11, 2023

Art Show!

We got to attend the opening for Jamie's art show! I was so excited to see what she had been working on and the pieces were so impressive! I loved how intricate everything was and that the pieces really got you thinking. There were even a couple interactive parts that used red thread like the thread in her pieces. I'm so impressed and proud of her!!
There was an event happening in the area too with booths and entertainment set up along the street and some street food. We didn't stay long but we did get some delicious doughnuts to share before we left!


Tuesday, June 6, 2023

School's Out...

Last day of school already?? The kids had such great years, they worked hard and got good grades. They made new friends and tried new things. I'm so proud of them!! Next year Owen will be a junior and Paige will be in 8th grade, I can't wait to see what they accomplish!
We stopped for some doughnuts after Owen's last final

I didn't get morning pictures so I had Paige stop before she went into dance

Paige and Miley

We were missing some kids but we continued our tradition of ice cream on the last day of school after dance