Saturday, May 31, 2008

Happy Birthday to Pat's Mom!

Happy Birthday!

Coconut Cake for the occasion!

Thursday, May 29, 2008

What Happened?

I was doing so well with posting! We've all been sick here lately and I haven't taken many pictures but here's one from awhile ago of Owen hugging his giraffe blanket (and my leg).

Monday, May 26, 2008

Happy Memorial Day!

Scott, Crystal, Sherri and Mike came over yesterday to eat lots of good food with us! It was the usual Memorial Day food (burgers and such) and a yummy trifle (layers of chocolate cake, cool whip, chocolate pudding and heath bits)! I managed to take one picture while everyone had food in their mouths.

This recipe was called Turban-shaped Challah with Raisins but it said I could use brioche or challah dough which doesn't make any sense when you look at the name. I used brioche dough anyway because I had some left from the huge batch the other day when I made a mini-loaf. Super good but I swear it tastes like Auntie Anne's pretzels somehow.

Here's Owen trying to get to the bread! He liked it too. Oh, and I did end up finding the peas that Owen hid in the bottom of a cupboard under our griddle!

Friday, May 23, 2008

The Case of the Missing Peas

I made some brioche! I was so excited to eat it that I didn't think to take a picture of it first. I think this was around the same time that Owen swiped a small tupperware of leftover peas from the fridge and vanished with them. I found Owen but we still haven't found the missing peas.

When did squirrels start looking like this?

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

It's Over!

I'll have to think of a new 30 day challenge for myself! There have been a couple of suggestions brought to my attention but I'm still thinking about it. I feel like I'm missing something because I didn't have to put any effort into my breakfast this morning (cereal!).

Monday, May 19, 2008

Day #30!

Remember when I said I would never eat CoCoWheats again? Well...let's just say I wanted to make this Breakfast Apple Kuchen for this morning and when I looked at the recipe last night I realized it called for Cream of Wheat cereal...I was not about to go out and buy that so I used the CoCoWheats. Apparently they are good for something after all! This was truly tasty. I also managed to halve the recipe without any issues this time and made them all (except for the one in the picture) in mini-pie tins that Mom gave me just yesterday! Everything is more fun in a mini-version!

Pat and Owen partying it up at the Perdan's.

Here is the Compote I tried to eat for breakfast the other day in it's more appropriate mini-pie form. I've had this mini-pie dish for about 2 or 3 years and it's the first time I've actually been able to use it!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Breakfast Salad?

It is much too early to be up on a Sunday but I can't fall asleep. This was only good because I couldn't taste the carrots that were in it.


Saturday, May 17, 2008

Day 28


Friday, May 16, 2008


I made English Muffins this morning! Ok, so really the process started last night. I was halving the recipe so I wouldn't end up with so many and as usual got distracted and halved everything but the amount of water. So then I had to undo that by adding the rest of the ingredients. The dough was all crazy and I was pretty sure they were going to be a failure but...ta da! They came out really normal!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

No Thanks

Looks good, right? I'm not normally one of those people that passes something up because it's too sweet but in this case I made an exception. This smelled really good when I was making it last night. It is a breakfast compote. Today I looked up the word compote and found out it means dessert. That would have been good to know yesterday. It was apple slices and raisins simmered in orange juice and cinnamon, refrigerated overnight and then orange slices were added this morning. Pat said it was like pie filling and I have to agree so that's what I'm going to do with the leftovers.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Toasted Peanut Butter and Jelly

I had a magical breakfast moment this morning where I ate exactly what I wanted. I didn't even know it until I was already eating it but I probably could have eaten about 10 of these.

Here's Owen entertaining himself while dinner was being made. His new favorite toy is a pot or pan and a lid.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


These things are crazy! I have no idea how they end up looking like this and they end up with big pockets on the bottom of them. They're actually pretty neat but they needed butter to actually taste good and nobody else wanted anything to do with them.

Monday, May 12, 2008


Last night Pat said something about breakfast chili and we agreed that was nasty. Then I thought it would be funny if I made something that looked like chili but was actually really tasty. Then my brain shut down because Desperate Housewives came on. So when I went to make my breakfast this morning I pureed some strawberries, mixed in some yogurt, added blackberries (to pretend to be the meat?), and sprinkled on some cinnamon. Of course it was super tasty but it didn't really resemble chili. At all. Later I realized I could have even made some pound cake and used a slice to pretend to be cornbread. That would have been a nice excuse to have some cake for breakfast. That's part of the problem with having something different for breakfast every day. You have to have a plan. You can't just wake up and figure it out then because stuff requires so much preparation. Oh well, 7 more days! that potato omelette debacle? Well apparently I have major problems with flipping things out of pans (or baking dishes). I'm pretty sure most of my problem this time was attributed to Owen pulling on my leg and me knowing I wasn't serving them to anyone so they didn't need to look pretty. The blondies turned out fine and Pat used the excuse to dish himself up some super large servings since we didn't cut them into bars. Ok, maybe I did that too.

Here's me and Owen on Mother's Day!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day!


Just a few of our favorite mothers...

Saturday, May 10, 2008


Cereal for breakfast! Boring, I know. But I made a Mother's Day brunch (with lots of help from Pat) so I wasn't about to get fancy this morning.

Here's the food! Egg casserole, coffee cake, lots of fruit, yogurt, strawberry scones, blueberry muffins, waffles, dried fruit, almonds, granola and sausage. I think that was it.

Poor lonely sausage.

Are you wondering where all the people are? I didn't get any pictures of the actual people. Actually I got one but it's a horrible shot. So here's Owen instead. He's about to grab a rock to hold while he wanders around the neighborhood.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Owen's Mess and My Crepes

Sometimes I wish I knew what Owen was trying to say...

Sometimes he makes it really obvious...I don't think he liked his dinner last night.

Crepes! How exciting! This was actually a recipe Lisa gave me at my bridal shower and I finally got to use it! I quartered the recipe and it still made this much. It was layered with strawberries and Cool Whip and it was super good. So good in fact that Pat helped me eat it. You know if Pat is willing to eat anything in the morning besides cereal it's got to be good.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Fried Egg

This looks like an easy breakfast, doesn't it? Wrong. I cooked the egg a little long and the edges were plastic-y. I tried to make white toast and let's just say the bread was past it's expiration date...Then I went to make wheat toast but the toaster oven was too hot from already being used and my wheat toast got totally burnt. I scraped it off to try to salvage it though which is why it looks normal. Boo on this breakfast!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Breakfast #17

Strawberry scone. Super yummy.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008


I found a recipe for porridge that looked tasty and it was! It tasted like oatmeal because it was made with oat bran. I'm not sure what the difference between oat bran and oatmeal is but I think oat bran goes through less processing or has more "oatiness" to it. Whatever that means...

Monday, May 5, 2008

Happy Cinco de Mayo!

I was going to attempt some sort of Mexican breakfast but it looked like a lot of work and I've already had a breakfast quesadilla and a breakfast burrito. So here's my fruit smoothie! I threw some frozen cherries, a banana, vanilla yogurt and oatmeal into the blender and voila!

This was a pretty healthy dessert we made over the weekend that ended up being really good! It was much bigger but I didn't get a picture of the inside until we had eaten about 3/4 of it.

Sunday, May 4, 2008


French Toast for breakfast!

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Breakfast Quesadilla

Pat helped me choose this picture today by saying that it was the only picture where my breakfast looked remotely appetizing. He also said that maybe we could photoshop my nail. I think he was joking. Anyway, don't look at my nail. This was a flour tortilla with peanut butter, banana slices and cinnamon. I liked it a lot.

No specific reason for this picture of Owen except to serve as a reminder of his cuteness.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Strawberry Banana Bread

I made this last night so I wouldn't have to get up super early for my breakfast. That also means I got to sample my breakfast last night and oddly enough it was tastier this morning. The other good news was that it was pretty healthy. Made with whole wheat flour and no butter or added sugar! Owen liked it too. Speaking of Owen...his ninth tooth is coming in and he is determined to use it every chance he gets. At the moment I have nine little tooth marks imprinted on my arm.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Then and Now

It's funny to put diapers on Owen's head.
April 2007

April 2008

This stuff was called Breakfast Ambrosia according to the recipe I got off of some website. It's actually just orange slices, banana slices, coconut, pecans and a splash of orange juice. Very tasty.