Wednesday, November 26, 2008


It's almost Thanksgiving!!! Do you know what this means!? I can decorate for Christmas on Friday!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Oats and Berries

I found this recipe on the back of my canister of oats. Then I eliminated a few of the ingredients and it turned into this--toasted oats, strawberries and blueberry yogurt. I had to escape to the den to take a picture so Owen wouldn't try to steal the camera. He did, however, steal my oats and berries when I returned to the kitchen.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Biscotti and Cocoa

Breakfast this morning was some Maple-Walnut Biscotti and a mug of hot chocolate. I figured with my last two bad breakfasts I needed to go with something more reliable. I think part of the problem is that I'm trying to make healthy versions of breakfasts that aren't necessarily supposed to be light eating and that's altering the taste too much. Luckily the biscotti turned out to be healthy-ish and also yummy.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Bleh Pudding

I know this looks disgusting. It's my breakfast bread pudding. Please don't make this. You don't want any part of this. That's two bad breakfast days in a row! I should have known bread pudding in the microwave was a bad idea...especially when I used my failed bagels as the bread...

Fun with the camera

Rare photo of the elusive sleeping Owen. He refused to take off his winter jacket when I put him in bed.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

No Thanks.

Rice Pudding. It didn't taste horribly awful but not good enough for me to want to eat it. Apparently I only like pre-packaged cinnamon rice pudding.

May 2007-Owen's arms move at the speed of light.

November 2008-He's still super fast. I'm pretty sure he's going to grow up to be a superhero.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Tea and Toast

With jam. There it is. I took a day off yesterday due to laziness and Owen waking up early:) So this is breakfast 20! 10 more to go!

Monday, November 17, 2008

All Spiffed Up.

Here we are looking all spiffy for our dinner at the Melting Pot on Saturday.

This is our dessert plate after we devoured 95% of it and I started playing with the chocolate left in our fondue pot. You need to go to The Melting Pot. It was good. It was four courses of great food.

Peanut Butter Banana Oatmeal (from Saturday)...this is the third or fourth time I had intended to make a recipe I have for Oatmeal Brulee and then realized (again) that I don't have an adequately sized broiler safe dish. Good thing for me that I didn't because this was great. Seriously, is peanut butter bad with anything?

Today's breakfast...Homemade Bagels! I think we need to tweak our bagel-making a bit...these were very good fresh last night but this morning...not the best.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Our Marriage is 5 Years Old!

Happy Anniversary to us! This picture was from when we went to Boston way back before Owen was born. The light in this picture is crazy, it looks like we're glowing. Again, found some coffeecake in the back of my freezer because I made no plans for what to eat this morning. By the time I'm through with these 30 days, our freezer will be empty!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Oh! Such Cuteness!

November 2007

We went to a sing-a-long yesterday for Owen's music class and he had the best time ever. Every time a song ended he would say "more?!" He even semi-participated in a round of "Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes" and we were so proud:)
...And streusel bread for breakfast! The best part is that I didn't even have to make it myself! And I got an end piece!!! Yea and Yum!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Don't Bite Your Friends

Has anyone watched Yo Gabba Gabba? It's scary. Unfortunately it has super catchy songs ("There's a nose on my face, nose on my face. There are eyes on my face, eyes on my face") and good lessons to teach. Owen and I gave it a shot last night and learned about our faces and also about biting friends (no, no, no) and biting food (yes, yes, yes). Good times. Anyway, I had cereal today and I didn't take a picture of it because it was just cereal. If you feel like you're missing out, I had Kashi Heart to Heart.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Comfy and Cozy

I don't normally post twice in one day (or without pictures) but I feel so super cozy lounging on the couch that I needed to document it. I made a giant pot of pasta e fagiole for dinner and during the whole assembling process found out I needed another can of diced tomatoes and called my neighbor to borrow one (how old-school neighborly!). Then Owen went to bed without too much of a fuss (knock on wood...). And now I feel all warm and full from the good soup and I'm on the internet and listening to Christmas music (I don't care what anyone says, it's never too early!).

Aww Man!

I can't believe I wasted muffin day on these!!! I thought since the recipe came from the same book as the scones that they would taste good but I suppose Oat Bran Muffins with Apples are hopeless. Ok, really, they weren't totally awful but I had really high hopes for them.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Fun at Home

These are the kinds of things that happen in our house when Owen gets bored. He lines up all the chairs, sits on one and then insists I come sit down too. I'm not sure exactly what it all means but it's fun anyway.

I've been wanting to make graham crackers for a long time. They didn't come out very crackery but they taste good anyway.

I had an orange for breakfast since I stole its zest to make my scones the other day. It was pretty flavorless.

Monday, November 10, 2008


Coriander-and-Orange-Scented Scones. This was the tastiest scone I've ever had. Ever.

Sunday, November 9, 2008


We finally managed to get Owen's first haircut!! Hooray! Owen absolutely hated the experience but about 2 minutes after it was over he was totally fine.
Pat's favorite picture

My favorite picture

Here's a blurry action shot of my corn blini. It turned out that they are basically pancakes only with more cornmeal than flour in the recipe. The recipe suggested maple syrup as a topping so I listened even though I usually like that other fake syrup better. As expected they tasted like cornbread pancakes. Not totally awful but I don't want to eat them for breakfast again.

Saturday, November 8, 2008


This waffle looks very similar to the waffle I had last time I did this. Only it's missing blackberries. Now this just seems boring. I should have done three berries this time!

For those of you keeping track--we will be making a third attempt at a haircut for Owen today:)

Friday, November 7, 2008


It's a video from Halloween! I posted a picture but just noticed we have a video of Owen eating a Reese's! I know it's a bit dark, but hopefully you can see it. Owen really knows how to make good use of his bites!

Snack Time! By the way, somewhere on the internet someone said that they eat candy corn and peanuts together and it's super good. I tried it with pretzels and it was. Why does that work?

Breakfast Smoooooooothie!

Thursday, November 6, 2008


I love girl scout cookies. So I made some Samoas. They took me forever and I promised I would never make them again. Then I tasted one and decided I shouldn't be so hasty with my promises.

Today's Breakfast was brought to you by...some really old dried fruit bits I found in the back of the cupboard. Peanut Butter and dried fruit in a rolled up tortilla. By the way, natural peanut butter is the way to go. I used to scoff too, and now the regular stuff just doesn't taste right!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Egg Sandwich

Here is my egg sandwich along with a little bit of political news.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Hooray for Motivation!

We made some french fries last night to have with dinner! They were great (but a little salty) and tasted authentic even though they hadn't been deep-fried.

This breakfast was brought to you by...some really old frozen cherries I found in the back of our freezer. Really, really old. I made blintzes this morning which turned out to basically be crepes with filling. That's where the cherries came in. Yum.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Breakfast 5 and 6!

#5 This was yesterday's breakfast--Chai Spiced Oatmeal. I decided it was different enough from my oatmeal the other day that it wasn't cheating. I wish I had known that it would be gross. I like Chai. I like oatmeal. They should always remain separate. Now you know. I've probably saved you some time.

#6 A Breakfast Flower! I made it up! You can tell I made it up because it's not actually as creative as I'm pretending it is:) Blueberry yogurt and banana slices. Yum!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

The Tactical Napper

Pat called Owen a tactical napper yesterday when Owen managed to avoid getting his haircut for the second week in a row. Last week we couldn't get him to nap until 2 pm (the time of his appointment) and yesterday he refused to nap again so we finally just put him in the car and decided to try it anyway and he fell asleep on the way there. Sigh. Owen clearly has his own ideas of when he should get his first haircut. At the moment Pat is sitting with Owen trying to get him to sleep. Where did our good sleeper go?! Anyway, I'm too lazy to put up a picture of my yucky breakfast so it will have to wait until tomorrow.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Our Halloween!

We had some "Mummy Dogs" (never again, please) for dinner with peas followed by our donuts and cider and lots of candy throughout the night!

Boo! Owen did a great job wearing his costume but can't concentrate on anything when there's a camera around.

Eating a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup for the first time! Owen spent most of his time playing with the candy bowl and shouting "One more!" Pat managed to get him to one house but Owen was speechless.

My oatmeal for breakfast today. I'm already sick of trying to think of new breakfasts. I need inspiration.