Sunday, September 12, 2010


We had a pretty busy Saturday and I'm still shocked at how smoothly our day went. There was soccer practice in the morning then we changed and went to Pat's work picnic. We drove home and Paige and Owen were asleep in the car so I ran inside to grab a few things while Pat stayed in the car and napped with them for 10 or 15 minutes. Then we drove straight to a friend's party and got him later that night for bed! These pictures are all from the work picnic. There was so much to do that we didn't even get a chance to try everything!

Owen wanted to do the inflatable obstacle course first!

Paddleboats. Pat and I both took a turn with Owen while the other person fed Paige.
Action shot of us running back from the paddleboats! I didn't realize until I saw this picture that Owen and were dressed alike...

They had 3 or 4 different types of swingsets to play on among other playground equipment.
Paige stayed awake the whole time we were there and got to show off her party outfit.

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