Friday, July 25, 2014

Butterfly Meadow

Another nature walk. I promise this isn't all we do, it just seems that way. This trail was a bridal path as well. The kids really enjoy hiking on bridle trails because they think we'll see some horses. Sometimes we do but not on this day! We did see an incredible amount of butterflies though, so Owen renamed this area Butterfly Meadow. We also spent a significant amount of time throwing rocks into water and some more time doing the fitness challenges that were along the route.
Looking for the perfect rock to throw. Oh wait, they're all good!

Beautiful butterfly!

Small scare when Paige's shoe flew off her foot and landed in some poison ivy...

Fitness challenge (I don't know what was actually supposed to be done here, the kids made up their own)

Another butterfly spotting

Playing poohsticks. 

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