Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Party Details

The decorations for Paige's party cost about 25 cents. I bought a 2011 college guide at a library book sale and used the pages. I barely made a dent in it even after making a bunch of stuff! One of my favorite and easiest things I made was the table runner which was a bunch of pages glued together. I mixed in some pink elements because it's Paige's favorite color but I do want to note that Paige actually said awhile back that black and grey would be good for the decorations.
The banner! (Paige's reaction to seeing the banner-"It doesn't say 'Paige is 4'." Oops...)

You can see the table runner here! We also tied the food in with the theme by printing out some children's book covers. Food not pictured was the pizza and the make your own salad/pasta salad. I felt bad about people having to assemble their own but wanted to make things more comfortable for anyone who had diet restrictions. It ended up being a big hit with everybody anyway!

I tried a couple different ways of using the paper but paper chains were the best/sturdiest way to hang it.

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