Friday, April 11, 2014

Paige's Birthday!

Paige woke up on her birthday to a giant 4 balloon and a birthday crown waiting for her in the kitchen. She pretty much wore the crown all day so she got lots of birthday greetings from everyone that noticed. She turned 4 on a Wednesday which meant she got to do some celebrating with her dance class! We brought some Rice Krispie treats and Paige seemed very proud to hand them out to her friends. She chose Pizza Hut for her birthday dinner (guess who suggested that one...) and then we headed home for cake and presents. Paige very specifically requested vanilla CAKE and not CUPCAKES. So I found a recipe for a small cake (it was meh but with frosting most things are good enough).
Birthday girl!

Mixing up the pancakes

Pizza Hut!

We pretty much have to do one funny face picture for each smiling picture

Paige's funny face

Yay! Cake!

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