Monday, February 17, 2014

Valentiney Days

 Happy Belated Valentine's Day! The kids woke up to their mailboxes filled with jellybeans (yum), an animal in a fizzy egg (fun) and a hot chocolate stirrer (yuck). Paige had a friendship party in her preschool class but Owen's class did the classic celebration complete with handing out valentines. I was lucky enough to get to help out at the party but mostly I just watched a bunch of first graders eat too much candy and run around like crazy. We had homemade heart(ish) shaped pizza for dinner and I think it was our best version yet! Usually the crust is too thick but this time it was pretty close to perfect. The next day Pat and I went to a super tasty "Euro-American" restaurant and had some amazing food. I want to go back. Very soon.

Mailboxes waiting to be noticed.

They still look sleepy but were already chowing down on jellybeans.

Required Valentine photo shoot. They paused their fighting for these pictures and then picked up right where they left off when I was done.


Pat with his Bavarian Mac and Cheese
My dinner-German Pot Roast Club with Garlic Rosemary Fries

Me and my valentine!

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