Tuesday, February 25, 2014


Pat's coworker had some extra college basketball game tickets so we took the kids over the weekend. They had an inflatable area for the kids to play in before and during the first half of the game and that was probably their favorite part of the whole experience. They were great for the game though too! We made it through the whole game without any complaints (and won too! Hooray!) and afterwards everyone was invited down to get autographs. We didn't stand in line to meet the players but we did walk around on the court and play some line tag.

Slide! (Paige's favorite inflatable)

Obstacle course! (Owen's favorite inflatable)

Owen spun a wheel and won this kazoo, which didn't sound nearly as obnoxious as I was fearing (especially since we had some people sitting right in front of us!)

On the court

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