Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Two Wheeler! (+training wheels)

Paige has graduated from her tricycle to a two-wheeler! A friend's mom scouted out this bike at a garage sale and picked it up for us. It is a princess bike too, just what Paige was hoping for, so she was extra pleased by the whole thing. She wants to bike everywhere now and she's not too far away from doing that. I took her on a bike ride to her chosen location thinking I would have to put her in the bike seat on my bike and somehow sling her princess bike over my handlebars once she got tired but she made it the whole way there and back, no complaints. It was a pretty timely purchase too because it gave the kids a chance to play Tour de France in the driveway.

1 comment:

Aunt Jamie said...

Aw! Yay for bike rides!