Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Swimming Lessons!

I'm going to go ahead and post about things after they're done...the kids took swim lessons five days a week for two weeks and it was really fun watching how quickly they improved. Owen benefited more from the instruction than Paige (more on that in a bit) and learned actual strokes and gained a lot of confidence. On the first day, Paige was totally devastated (tears, etc.) that I wasn't going to be in the pool with her and so was separated into the half of the class that didn't have much swimming skills. It was a shame because she's actually very confident swimmer when we go to the pool just for fun. On the other hand, she made such progress on the whole separation issue that I wasn't disappointed at all but just as proud of her as I was of Owen! They both got something important out of the class and I think I got a little glimpse into what it's going to be like dropping Paige off at preschool in September...

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