Thursday, June 27, 2013

CSA Foods

Here are some of the recent recipes we've tried out using CSA ingredients.

Chicken and Pastina Soup- Especially good with the sprinkling of parmesan! This soup made use of some Swiss Chard.

Cilantro Turkey Burgers-I thought the recipe may have called for too much cilantro but it didn't overwhelm the flavor at all. We added provolone to ours and I wrapped mine in a green lettuce leaf which made it extra fun to eat! 

Garlicky Greens-I added a link because it was inspired by that recipe but really I burned the onions it called for and ran out of time so mine ended up being sauteed swiss chard with garlic. Pat and I put this on top of our tacos and I really liked the flavor it added.

Taco Salad-I made this with the leftovers from taco night. Green leaf lettuce, cheese, cilantro, red pepper, onion, taco meat, and corn chips. 

Paige likes to help me clean the greens we get in our bag. Good thing because there's usually a lot!

Garlic Scape Lemon Pasta-This was alright but I probably wouldn't make it again, the flavor from the scapes didn't come through nearly as much as they did when I made the omelet. Plus it was pretty lemony which I happen to love but probably would have been too much for a lot of people.

Zucchini Bread Pancakes (look how fancy I'm getting with the text on my pictures!)-We will definitely be keeping this recipe! These were really really good. The recipe suggested mixing plain greek yogurt with maple syrup and it was the perfect complement to the pancakes. I'll be remembering it for other pancakes too (I'm thinking of you, carrot cake pancakes!). 

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