Thursday, March 31, 2011

Good Food!

I told Pat to choose his birthday cake and handed him my favorite baking cookbook. He then gave me a choice of two and I picked this one! I'm well aware that homemade cakes don't usually taste as good as the boxed kind but I think this one was just as good! I opted not to make the buttercream frosting that was supposed to go with it though and I don't think it mattered.

I love food with lemon in it (like lemon pasta!) so when I saw a picture of this lasagna I really wanted to try it. Luckily, Pat pretended that he thought it looked good too so I made it a few days ago. It was so good and I'm so glad I made it! Pat liked it too but Owen was scared of it... It took forever to make though and I had to use three different sauce pans just to prepare the ingredients that went in to it. I probably won't be able to make it very often!

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