Monday, January 19, 2009


I decided my new project is to use all the spices on my spice rack. I have some that I've had to refill (parsley) and others that I've never used (celery salt?!). Today I hit basil and parsley with this recipe for Lemon Pasta from Zest. I bought the book long ago when I still worked at Williams-Sonoma because it has amazing pictures and it was super cheap (yea for employee discounts!). So this is the first time I've ever used it because I don't usually have zestable fruits around the house that aren't already spoken for. Anyway, I loved this and Owen hated it. It tasted all fancy like something I would get in a restaurant. I can't usually say that about my dinners. Normally we say things like "Yea! That was edible!"


Diana Welmerink said...

Ooooh! If you find some good recipies for random spices, send them our way. Adam is on a mission to clear out our spice cabinet before we move this summer. I'm not sure if that will happen - we have a lot of curry powder and cardamom, among others...

Alex Hall said...

Wait--you never use basil?! For shame! For shame indeed!