Thursday, January 15, 2009

Shopping with Owen

(old photo from September)

This is how a typical grocery shopping trip with Owen might play out.

Kim: "Owen, let's go to the store and get some groceries."

Owen: "No?"

Kim: "Come on, we can go to Marc's and pick up some milk and bananas."

O: "No?"

K: "You like Marc's, they have the choo choo."

O: "Choo choo!" (Runs toward the door)

After a constant chatter of "choo choo" we arrive at the store

O: "Choo choo? Choo choo?"

K: "Yep, there's the choo choo." (we watch it go around it's track 2 or 3 times and move on)

O: "Choo choo?"

K: "We'll come back and see the choo choo on the way out. Let's go find some bananas."

O: "Nanas!"

(We arrive at the bananas.)

O: "Nanas! Hi!" (He's saying hi to the bananas.)

(Elderly woman focuses in on Owen because she believes he has just said hi to her)

Elderly woman: "Hi!"

(Owen looks at her as if she is insane and refuses to respond. I smile and slowly move away...Then Owen continues his chorus of "choo choo" until we leave. It's fun. I love it.)

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