We managed to get some reading in while Pat was home on vacation and ended up with some pretty good books! I thought I should share in case anyone was looking for something to read:)
1. The Story of Christmas --This was a pretty good book as far as the story goes but the illustrations were a bit...dated? In the picture of the "present day" family the mom has a bowl cut, the little girl has a crazy high feathered hairdo and the dad has a creepy looking mustache. Mary and Joseph, on the other hand, are very fashionable.
2. Snowmen at Night--This book was cute but I do wonder whether it could actually make snowmen seem scary to a little kid since they come to life and run around town. As an added bonus there are hidden pictures on every page...too bad I can't find them and it's driving me crazy.
3. Outliers--Yes, you should read all of Malcolm Gladwell's books, this one included. Everything in it is interesting and it's a super fast read because of that. It's all about the little details that contribute to a person's success and they aren't what you think.
4. Twilight--Pat got me this for Christmas and I was glad because secretly I wanted to read it to figure out what they hype was about but I wouldn't have ever bought it for myself since I thought the story sounded silly. It was so good that I read it in a day (while Pat read the Watchmen) and spent the rest of the vacation searching for the sequels in paperback. Now I have to read the whole series...
5. Watchmen--Again, Pat read this in about a day so I know he really liked it. I picked it up, read a couple pages, got confused, and put it down for a couple days. I got bored and picked it up and started it over again, read more and claimed my dislike for it. Then I picked it up again and got so immersed in it that I had to tell Pat to stop talking because I was almost finished! That's how you know you've got a good book, right? When there is an immediate need to ignore the real person in the room? Anyway, it takes a bit to get into it but I haven't read any other graphic novels so maybe my lack of experience was the problem:)
6. Zen Shorts--Maybe this shouldn't count because I had already read it before Jamie got it for me for Christmas (thanks!) but I think this book and Muth's other one about a panda named Stillwater (Zen Ties) are so great and calming and have really good illustrations. This is one of those "not just for kids" books, which is good because when you're reading the same book to Owen a few times a day (at his request) you want to like it:)
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