Tuesday, August 13, 2019


Time for the dreaded, yet awesome, school supply shopping trips! Owen and I headed out first while Paige was at dance one afternoon. He chose a blue raspberry slushee and I got a strawberry-acai refresher. I think he was done with it before we even got back to the supplies! 7th graders don't actually need much and we were able to reuse some supplies from the previous year. At one point I had to go looking for him and found him watching soccer on the tvs:)
I was planning on waiting a few days and then going with Paige but she was eager to go so we went out later that same night while Owen was at soccer camp. That means I got two fun drinks in one day! And Pat got to come too! Paige got a coke slushee, Pat got a Coke and I got...? I don't remember...We found most of Paige's supplies but we're going to have to go out again for shoes and a backpack.

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