Saturday, January 6, 2018

Road Trip!

We went to visit Pat's sister and our brother-in-law for a few days in the midst of all the freezing cold weather and it was so nice to have a reason to be outside and experience new things with some family we haven't seen in awhile! We spent a lot of the first day just driving there and arrived around 3. The kids got acquainted with the animals (Owen was delighted and Paige took most of the weekend to come around but she was tolerating them by the end. And she desperately wanted to love them, so there's that!) and then we exchanged Christmas presents and then went for a yummy meal at Mission BBQ! I've since found out that we have one about 20 minutes away so maybe we'll be going there again soon! 
The next day we took the Metro into DC to visit the Natural History Museum, which Owen was not excited about but Paige and I could have spent all day exploring. It was generally agreed that the Gems and Minerals exhibit was the best, but it was also the most crowded. 
After Owen couldn't take one more minute of the museum, and we definitely pushed him to his limit, we decided to make him walk to the Capitol:) He recovered completely when he saw that Pat was leading everyone onto the reflecting pool in front of the Capitol because it had frozen over. They all slip-slided their way across while I did some speed-walking and met everyone around the other side. 
We left early the next day, sad to leave but excited to be home!
Mission BBQ

I don't know...Owen had a special bond with the cats

We're in a set of giant jaws!

I think they found a tv screen

Family picture!

More family!

Look! Another screen!


The Capitol

So cold, so happy!

The Christmas tree was still up. I thought it would be bigger

Family picture

This picture is not necessary because of the above picture but I had to include it for obvious reasons

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