Monday, August 28, 2017

First Day of School!

Sigh. First day already??
This is Owen's first year in middle school and his first year riding a bus so he had to get up extra early to get ready and give me enough time to take pictures! It seems like there's so much more to remember this year ! Locker combinations, instruments, multiple classes to get to...hopefully he'll have it all down after the first week. When Owen got home he told us that he had a great first day and wasn't late and didn't get lost to any of his classes. Hooray! The second day was a different story:) He couldn't get his locker open and he was late to two classes because of it! He was in good spirits though so I think he'll be just fine!
Paige's situation is a little more comfortable because she's going back to the same school, still walking there and back and knows a bunch of kids (her best friend is in her class again! Yay!) but she was still a little worried about finding her room. She ended up having no problem and had a great day too! She loves her teacher and thinks the person sitting next to her is nice.

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