Saturday, August 12, 2017

Bike Aboard 2017

Oh, bike's a love/hate relationship. For me, it's a tradition and I'm unwilling to give it up. The kids, however, were not super pleased when I announced we'd be going. I've decided they can handle it once a year and even though it wasn't a perfect trip...we made a lot of memories:) We got to the station with plenty of time and had two wedding parties to watch while they took pictures. Unfortunately, the train was running 30-40 minutes late so we had a lot of time to watch them. The train ride was a lot of fun though! We played some hand-clapping games, checked out the scenery and the kids and Pat played the "make me laugh" game. We finally got to our destination and had some dinner at The Winking Lizard. We were taking our time until Pat checked the weather map and realized it was about to rain and we had to bike 6 miles back to the car still! We paid our bill and bolted! The kids were out of control racing each other and Paige ended up wiping out and got cut up on her elbows so that was not a great start...but we couldn't really slow down for too long because we still had a ways to go! The weather was really cold and it got worse when it started raining. The trees shielded a lot of it but I was freezing the entire way back. Can't wait for next year! ;)

PS-I was trying to figure out how far we biked last year (8 or 10?) and so I went back to reference last year's post and there wasn't one! I threw one in there and you can see it here. Or you can just search "bike aboard" and find all of them.

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