Monday, July 25, 2016


We took a quick trip to visit some families for a mini college reunion. I think we end up seeing the whole group maybe once a year so it's always nice when we can make it happen. The Shaw family hosted the weekend and I think the most anyone had to drive to get there was a couple hours. We started off with lunch at Ye Olde Mill, followed cream (of course!). Then we headed back to their house to hang out. They have a giant yard so the  kids had a ton of stuff to entertain themselves with like a zipline, playground, checking on the chickens (eggs!), playing basketball and on and on. The adults all had a chance to catch up with only minor interruptions for injuries and our own turns on the zipline. We stayed at a hotel but the next morning we joined back up with some of the families for church. Our friend is now a pastor and it was awesome listening to him run the service, not to mention how nice the congregation was! We were pretty sad to leave, Owen and Paige really bonded with the Shaw's four boys and the other kids! Until next time...

Ice Cream at Ye Olde Mill. It was melting fast!


Some of the kids squeezed under the playground for dinner

The whole group 

After church! Porter was on Owen's back most of the time I saw them:)

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