By the time the 4th rolled around, we were tired out but we had one more day of celebrating!! We relaxed for most of the day and then when I was cutting up some fruit for a party I realized I had found the cutest watermelon in the world! Exciting:) We joined our friends at a party around dinner time and had been hanging out for a couple hours when it started raining and just wouldn't stop! We walked home eventually in the mist thinking fireworks would be canceled and everyone could get to bed early. When we realized fireworks were still happening, everyone but Paige was ready to skip them. We ultimately decided to make it happen for her and walked back to our friends house because they had a close spot they watch from. The whole scene was comical, random strangers and friends sitting on the front lawn of a family who was out of town (but who we know and had given neighbors permission to watch from their house) trying to watch fireworks that, because of the direction of the wind were mostly blocked by the smoke of the fireworks:) Everyone was exhausted and it didn't take much convincing to get the kids in their beds!
Heart Watermelon!! |
Owen and his friend TJ appointed themselves guardians of this tasty taco dip and would only leave the table one at a time so nobody could get too close to it! :) |
We sent Paige and her friend Jocelyn on a photo scavenger hunt. Here they are completing the cars-on-the-head challenge! |
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