Saturday, December 26, 2020

Spirit Week

Paige's dance studio had a Christmas-themed spirit week to celebrate the last week before Christmas. Most of these pictures are from Christmas Extravaganza Day but Paige also participated in Christmas Hair day, Red/Green Day, Santa's Helpers Day, and Ugly Sweater Day. 

This was Red/Green Day Paige had red and green knee high socks on but you can't see them here!

Santa's Helper Day. I thought that meant elves but Paige and Maeve interpreted it to mean Reindeer:) Pat made the girls antlers and Maeve's mom made their shirts!

Christmas Extravaganza day and the last day of dance!

With Ms Rachel who always does an amazing job dressing up

Buffalo Plaid for the win!

Paige, Maeve, and Maya ran out of class and exchanged gifts in the parking lot before we headed home:)

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