Monday, September 14, 2020

First Day of School!

Ahh, the first day of school! This was unlike any other we've had. The kids woke up, had breakfast, got dressed and...sat down in their rooms. So strange! We anticipated that there would be some problems on the first day and we were right. The day starts at 8am and ends at 1 for Paige and 1:40 for Owen. Each kid only had teachers show up to two classes. Owen had classmates chatting aloud about people, not realizing people could hear them (or not caring??). Luckily it was harmless and hilarious! The kids actually spent a lot of time playing on the iPad or phone because they had to sit at the computer in case the teacher showed up but there wasn't anything to do! Things got better as the week went on and by Friday Owen had a complete day and Paige had all of her classes but one. Her gym teacher didn't show up either day!


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