Tuesday, April 7, 2020


It rained really hard for a couple days and nights so when it finally stopped we hopped on our bikes to check out the high water. Our normal bike path was flooded (first picture) so we had to go around. Then we got to the park and it started raining hard enough that we had to find shelter. We decided to hurry to the "pavilion" but Pat and I ended up thinking of a different pavilion than the kids and got separated for about ten minutes until the rain let up. We continued on and had to find shelter under a store awning before the rain finally stopped for good. 
We had to ride in the street for a bit because our path was flooded!

Look closely and you can see the kids in this pavilion, Pat and I went to the one on higher ground

There is not usually a bench here...
A comparison picture to show what it usually looks like here (bottom was from when we went hiking the first day off of school)

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