Monday, January 30, 2017

Day Off

I woke up early last Monday to a voicemail announcing there would be no school because of a power outage at the transportation department. I transport my own kids to school and I'm not sure why busses can't run during a power outage but no matter...these kids were ready to make the most of the day! They started off with a few rounds of ChronoBomb in which you try to crawl under or climb over strings in order to deactivate the "bomb" in a certain amount of time. The kids were pros. I tried it and got completely tangled. Luckily, I hadn't set it up correctly so the bomb didn't go off anyway! Then we spent a bunch of time building Legos until it was time to meet up with Pat for lunch! We had some Zoup and then went to his mini office to check out the whiteboard walls. More importantly, this was the moment we learned that Owen thought the lyrics to "The Sound of Silence" were "Hello darkness, smile friend." So awesome!!
Things got a little hairy in the middle there!

Paige crawled under everything which Owen deemed to be "salty."

Sometimes I tell them to hug each other for a picture and they do it!

Soup! at Zoup!

Pat has a fun contraption that allows him to work standing up. 

I don't know why Owen chose to write this down but I'm so glad he did. Now I find myself enjoying the song even more than I used to!

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