Monday, June 15, 2015


So. I was getting a little worried about how Owen's reading had dropped off by the end of the school year because things had gotten so busy but he is back to devouring books again! Case in point-we stopped at the library last Saturday morning and when we came home we needed to get ready for a trip to see my family. Owen wanted to go read in the car while he waited so we gathered our things, joined him in the car and drove the hour or so to our destination. He stayed buried in his book (and Paige in hers!) until we pulled in the driveway. As we got out of the car Owen realized he had forgotten to put on shoes! It was the most surprising, ridiculous and funny moment! Because a lot of our day was going to be spent outside, we ended up driving to a cheap shoe store to buy him a new pair and they've been his favorite ever since:)
This is already in the running for best moment of the summer.

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