Monday, April 6, 2015

Party Time!

We had Paige's birthday party the day after Pat's birthday (sorry Pat!). She told us a year ago that she wanted a Frozen theme for her 5th birthday and she did not waver from that decision. I didn't do as much planning/crafting for this party as I have for ones in the past (because-appendix) but I thought everything turned out great. We kept the food simple and bought some Frozen decorations. One of our friends offered her amazing face-painting skills and another brought some "snowballs" for the kids to throw at each other. 


Paige and Owen read some books while they waited for the guests to arrive

5 still!

Discussing face painting strategy

Cousins and Aunts and a Grandma!

The cake! We used the same method for the "ice" walls  as we did for Owen's campfire cake (coincidentally, that cake was for Owen's 5th birthday!) 

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