Monday, April 13, 2015

1/3 of a 1/2

Long before I knew my appendix needed to be removed, I signed up to run a half marathon. It was one I'd never done before and I was pretty excited about it (I almost put the word "stoked" there, does that give you the general feeling?). That whole appendix thing really derailed my training and I thought about going for it anyway, even up to the afternoon of the day before. In the end, and for a number of reasons, I didn't do it. I went out on my own and did 4.5 miles though, and that's no small feat when I think about how I was feeling about a month ago. I also stopped to take this picture before I headed home. The river is brown and there are no leaves on the trees but the sun was out and the water was sparkling! Good enough for me:)

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