Tuesday, January 6, 2015

New Year's Day Outing

We took our 3rd annual New Year's Day hike/walk this year! It was still cold out but this was the first time there wasn't any snow on the ground so we couldn't throw snowballs at each other. There was a ton of ice everywhere though so the kids had fun throwing rocks at the frozen river. We also found some pretty looking ice formations by the old beaver dam. The kids each took a piece home and put it in a jar to see it melt. I still love this tradition because if I think too much about it on any other day I probably wouldn't choose to go out and play in these temperatures but because it's a tradition we just do it and it's always fun! 
 (Here's 2014 and 2013

Starting out

The kids have dubbed this "the stinky bridge" and were super excited to stop by to see it. It was stinky once when we visited it during the summer but not this time!

Checking out the waterfall

Paige chose this piece of ice to bring home
Owen brought home this piece

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