Saturday, December 6, 2014


Whoa. I almost forgot to post about Thanksgiving! Let's see what I can remember... A couple days before Thanksgiving I made my "turkey timeline" so I would know what to cook when. I had Pat check it over and he approved it. Thanksgiving morning we watched some parade, I got the turkey in the oven and then went for a run (that's important to mention here so that when I reference this post next year I'll feel guilty if I try to skip it.). We took our time getting ready, got some flowers (which are still looking wonderful today!) and casually set things up. Then...the turkey was ready 2 hours early! And none of the guests were here! The same thing happened last year! My turkey timeline math was way off. Of course, it was all fine. We tried a couple new things this year-
1. Mashed potatoes in the crockpot-super successful!
2. Roasted Brussels Sprouts with Quinoa and Cranberries (If you click on that link be warned that the website contains a lot of foul language)-I love this dish but wasn't sure how it would go over for everyone else. I think it was successful but I shouldn't have doubled the recipe.
3. We did not heat up the rolls. Now we know-always heat up the rolls.
See? Proof.

Thanksgiving book

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