Friday, December 12, 2014

Gingerbread Houses

I decided we should do an activity Advent calendar this year instead of the traditional chocolate treat (which Owen immediately lamented). Some days have worked out better than others because we're still busy with activities and don't always have time to do time-consuming projects. We had to sneak these gingerbread houses in after a long day but the kids had so much fun doing them that it was well worth it. I'm also really glad I bought a kit instead of trying to make my own! The kids were fairly patient waiting for the icing and when they needed help. Pat...takes his gingerbread crafting very seriously:)
Working hard!

My creation is in the back, Owen's is in the front!

Pat was very pleased with his end result

Paige wanted her gingerbread house to look just like the picture on the box so we helped out a bit but she took charge of putting the candies on!

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