Monday, December 15, 2014

Holiday Work Party!

Pat's work party started off a busy (but wonderful) Saturday that involved a total of three parties and a soccer game (for me and Pat this time!). It was at a new location this year but the elements were the same-breakfast, games, Santa. It's a formula that works. The food was good and the kids had fun. Also, both kids willingly sat on Santa's lap! He asked them what they wanted for Christmas and Paige surprisingly announced "a stuffed animal Dumbo." We were shocked but found out later she had seen one in the bin of toys they were handing things out from. I think maybe she blanked when he asked and said the first thing she saw:) It worked out though because she actually does love it a lot!
Owen willingly sat with Santa but I had to steal this hug!



Pat was pretending to warm his hands by the fake fire + Owen was striking a funny pose = Photography gold.

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