Monday, October 21, 2013

A Hike

It's my favorite time of year for long hikes but it's not always easy to fit them in with the crazy Fall weather. We got one in on Friday though! Owen and Paige didn't have school and Pat came home from work early. We had a general plan to head to the nature center but when we were driving through the metroparks on our way there, the street was blocked. We decided to park our car and hike around where we got stopped. It ended up being a ton of fun and we went to some areas we wouldn't have thought of going (also some areas I wouldn't thought the kids were even capable of going!). We ended up on a "messy" bridle trail but got to see a bunch of horses and the kids impressed me with how far they walked and in such steep areas too! 
Of course I made them stop for a picture.

Apparently I was "trailing" a bit behind. Pat would want me to point out here that what you don't see in this picture is the cliff on the left.

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