Saturday, March 31, 2012

Pat's Birthday (Part 2)

I told Pat a few weeks ago that we were going to celebrate his birthday with a "beanfeast" (as in, "I want a feast. I want a beanfeast." a la Veruca Salt from Willy Wonka) but he totally forgot so I think it was a nice surprise. (A beanfeast is actually a party an employer gives for his employees so my interpretation of the word was a bit more literal...) I made chili, he was gifted some jellybeans and we had a Cheesecake Torte which I altered to be made with vanilla bean. Cheesecake is not generally my preferred dessert because I don't like how dense it is but this recipe was lighter and I loved it. I was worried that Pat wouldn't approve because he is a cheesecake purist but he liked it too! Happy Birthday Pat!

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