Monday, June 22, 2009

Father's Day!

We had a great Father's Day yesterday! Pat and Owen got haircuts. Look how short it is! Aah! The hairdresser suggested a setting of 8 on the clippers for Owen and Pat said "how about a 4?" And down it all went! Later we went on our annual picnic where I took this picture.

And finally! Finally! Two summers ago I made it my goal to get ice cream from the ice cream truck. I didn't think it would be that hard to accomplish that goal but yesterday was the first time I've seen the truck in our neighborhood. I sprinted to the truck where I got a few strange looks since I was so excited and paid for an overpriced ice cream sandwich for us all to share.


Anonymous said...

you've waited that long for the truck and you only bought 1 ice cream sandwich???

Unknown said...

well it was a $2 ice cream sandwich...